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We offer complete customization beyond just choosing your cord/wrap coloring. If you would like to add your boat or crew name or logo to your gear fill out the form below!

Morita Custom Gaff Order Form

Once you click the "Submit My Order" button, we will receive your order and you will be placed on Morita's build list.  If we have any questions, we will send you an email.  


Due to customization, there is an estimated 4 week lead time.


Thank you for your order and your patience!

Choose your Gaff Length
Choose your Hook size
Pro Series or Elites Series? Pro has split grip and your choice of cord wrap colors. Elite has single long grip, custom thread wrap and your choice of cord wrap

Please upload your image file for the logo you would like us to use on your custom Gaff.

Upload File
Upload supported file (Max 15MB)

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CUSTOM ORDER! Your are now in the custom build list and should expect a 4 week lead time. Please email us if you have any questions.

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